The Collectus Story

This creative life is brutal… Beautiful, and brutal.

We are theatre creators. We deeply know what it takes to work in a creative career. The job searching, the gigging, the penny pinching, the missing vacations, the wondering if you are good enough, the self-questioning, the being your own boss, the constant need for self-motivation.


It just gets to you after a while.

So in late 2020, we joined forces to see if we could do something about it. Everyone we knew in a solo creative field had experienced some sort of burnout or overwhelm because of the lifestyle. Successful or not, it always hit. Because we alone are responsible for creating our path and finding work, and there is no team to back you up.

The Collectus Vision is to make the creative life one everyone wants to live.


For us, togetherness is the key. The shit we face as creatives is manageable when we have a team of others who get it, doing it with us. This is how Pod was born. Our version of sustainable support, a real home-base you can lean on. Pod is your people. This is how we built our mission.


Our mission is to give artists a damn break from having to carry it all themselves.